Tuesday 3 January 2017

P4 - Production plan

Audio Script:

SFX (00:00): Audio of BBC coverage of the Brexit vote results. Atmospheric background sound of cars moving and general traffic. Music featured is the national anthem.

INTERVIEWEE (00:05): Discusses his feelings about the vote and his opinion on the media’s coverage of it.

INTERVIEWEE (00:34): Talks about the social media reaction to Brexit, and how youth felt toward the situation.

SFX (010:28): Audio from Nigel Farage’s winning speech.

SFX (02:45): Sounds of static that acts as a transition between audio clips of coverage and the interviews.

INTERVIEWEE (03:47): Discusses how the European Union affected the UK and the way that it’s citizens have turned their back on the union.

INTERVIEWEE (04:57) Finishes his speech on the EU and elaborates on his final opinion on the subject.


Foley, dialogue and atmospheric sounds will be recorded by myself, however some sound effects need to be obtained from online sources such as the BBC or other news sites. This includes discussions of Brexit and various announcements made by important politicians involved in the decision. These sound effects are needed to help enhance the storytelling whilst having no image component. Some audio clips on the internet are copyrighted so I will collect these sounds from a non-copyright sources and websites which allow their content to be used by third parties. I will also avoid asking any sensitive questions in the interview that may offend the guest or the listeners. Questions such as "Do you not care about the consequences" will not be appropriate as the wording may cause offense and reveal a bias. Depending on the guest's preference, I will ask him whether or not he wants his name to be revealed.

Risk assessment:

Persons potentially affected
Potential damaged property
Risk controls in place
Risk assessment
Action required if risk occurs
Water bottle
Any and all electrical equipment
Keep water at a safe distance away from technology
Dry equipment and apologise to owner
Hard flooring
Myself or my interviewee could be harmed if they were to walk across the floor and be tripped up by equipment that hasn’t been appropriately set up
If an individual were to fall over they could also damage necessary equipment to the recording of the podcast
Make sure there is a fair amount of space between the interviewee and the technology at hand
Seek a medical doctor to help with any injuries
Equipment and wires
Myself or my interview, either of us are at risk but I am the most likely to move around and potentially be tripped up
If I or my interviewee were to trip we’d likely snap the wire from its source therefore potentially damaging it and other equipment
Looking where I’m going is the best defence against a risk like this. Same goes for my interviewee. I would also inform my interviewee of the cables.
Seek a medical doctor to help with any injuries

Production schedule:

Studied a range of sound elements from media products.
Found examples of how certain sound elements are produced.
Developed five separate ideas for a radio podcast.
Specified two ideas to develop.
Record interview based on and around Brexit.
Transcribe the interview for paper edit purposes.
Find online sources which can offer Brexit commentary such as the BBC and ITV.

Location assessment:

The location is a college classroom and the interview will take place there. I will be recording the interview during class time therefore avoiding large amounts of corridor noise. This is crucial, as I need to record the dialogue with as little to no background noise as possible as the additional noise could compromise the quality of the podcast. Any additional sound for SFX sequences will be taken from online sources, and not from this room.

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