Monday 26 September 2016

P2 - Understand how sound elements are produced for media products


Sound Effect: A sound effect is a sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play, film, or other broadcast production.

Atmospheric Sound: Background noise that can be heard based on where the source of the sound is in the environment.

Music: A combination of instruments play to accompany scenes and the emotions shown within them. Music is often created by an orchestra, but can also be created digitally. Typically an outside composer is hired by the studio to come in and create a score, which usually contains at least 10 tracks to be sold as an album on platforms such as iTunes.

Dialogue: Words/sentences that are spoken by actor's or dubbed in the post production process. Dialogue is sometimes used in narration, to help an audience understand the context of the film/tv show e.g. Morgan Freeman in War of the Worlds. Typically dialogue is recorded on set, with the actors present, but sometimes the on-set sound isn't good enough for the final edit. This is when a process named ADR is utilised, which involves actors coming to a small sound booth and re-recording some lines which weren't audible on set.

1 comment:

  1. You need to have an entry for atmospheric sound, music and dialogue. All examples need to be supported by clips and an explanation of how they enhance meaning for the viewer/listener.
