Monday 26 September 2016

P3 - Idea development


Idea 1 - Taxi Driver
Interview taxi drivers about dealing w/ the public and the abuse they suffer with certain citizens. I will interview a taxi driver from the company Panther, and discuss with him his experiences in the area.

Idea 2 - Brexit Opinion Piece
Discuss with a member of the pub their opinion on the EU vote and the final decision.

Idea 3 - A Day in the Life of a Punter
Discuss with punters their experiences whilst punting. What kind of customers they deal with, what kind of day to day issues they face.

Idea 4 - The Most Hated Man on the Street
Discuss with car ticket officers their experiences whilst dealing with the public. How they deal with abuse and delivering punishments.

Idea 5 - A Homeless Outlook
Interview homeless people on the streets on Cambridge about their outlook on the rest of the world. Also discuss with them what they think of themselves.

Extended Development of Ideas

Taxi Driver

- Sound Effects

Sounds of a busy street will be recorded and implemented into the final track. This will add to the realism of the radio podcast.

- Atmospheric Sounds
There'd be a basic backround track with nothing but room noise, this is there so that there are no audio gaps in the final mix.

- Music
A down to earth "right's free" guitar track will work as background music reinforcing the tone of the interview and the normaility of what the interviewee describes.

- Dialogue
The dialogue will go back and forth between the interviewer, and the interviewee. The questions will require context and therefore the voice of the interviewer will be crucial.

Brexit Opinion Piece

- Sound Effects

Not many sounds effects will be used in this podcast, the focus of the sound is the voice of the Brexit voter.

- Atmospheric Sounds
A basic background room track will be used so that there are no dips in the sound mix, simply for continuity purposes.

- Music
The music will be a "right's free" piano piece, a somewhat emotional background piece to accompany the passionate opinion of a voter.

- Dialogue
The dialogue will be one sided, the voice of the interviewer will only be used very briefly, the track for the majoirty of the time will feature only thte interviewee's voice.

P2 - Understand how sound elements are produced for media products


Sound Effect: A sound effect is a sound other than speech or music made artificially for use in a play, film, or other broadcast production.

Atmospheric Sound: Background noise that can be heard based on where the source of the sound is in the environment.

Music: A combination of instruments play to accompany scenes and the emotions shown within them. Music is often created by an orchestra, but can also be created digitally. Typically an outside composer is hired by the studio to come in and create a score, which usually contains at least 10 tracks to be sold as an album on platforms such as iTunes.

Dialogue: Words/sentences that are spoken by actor's or dubbed in the post production process. Dialogue is sometimes used in narration, to help an audience understand the context of the film/tv show e.g. Morgan Freeman in War of the Worlds. Typically dialogue is recorded on set, with the actors present, but sometimes the on-set sound isn't good enough for the final edit. This is when a process named ADR is utilised, which involves actors coming to a small sound booth and re-recording some lines which weren't audible on set.

P1 - Understanding how sound elements are used in media products

Drive Film Clip

Purpose: The purpose of the sound is to immerse the viewer in the world of the driver. Diegetic sounds are used to keep the scene realistic and grim. The purpose of the sound is to show the viewer what the characters are seeing.

Elements: The majority of the sound featured in the clip is created in post. Only dialogue sections will have been actually recorded and used. Sounds of police sirens, radio chat, and engine exhaust are featured heavily throughout the opening scene. Diegetic sound is the primary sound element although there is a small non-diegetic piece of music that plays in the background.

Meaning: The scene lacks dialogue, reiterating the focus of the driver. The sound of the police radios means that they are looking for someone. The sound of the game on the radio, implies that the driver is timing his escape in a very specific way.

Radio - The Harvesters (1565) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Purpose: The interview focuses on informative and factual dialogue rather than ficional content. The purpose of the sound is to educate and inform the audience about the artist's work. The presenter's dialogue is somehwhat clearer which helps to differenciate the different voices.

Elements: Various atmospheric sounds can be heard throughout, sounds of birds can be heard as well as non diegetic dialogue from the interview. This helps the audience become immersed in the scenery and environment, whilst also being informed and learning from the dialogue.

Meaning: The dialouge boosts the audience's knowldge of the paiting and how it portrays certain elements that the artist expresses. The would educate the audience with the artist's knowledge as well as with their own interpretations of the painting.

Podcast - Welcome to Night Vale

Purpose: The pilot is from a fictitious podcast that looks into a small town through the perspective of a radio announcer. This podcast is rather descriptive in it's dialogue and the presenter announces news thats happening around the town. The use of dialogue allows audiences to become immersed in the story. Sound effects/music music also add to the immersion and tone.

Elements: Atmospheric sounds can be heard throughout the podcast to change the mood of the story. Other sound effects can also be heard to accompany the ambience as the presenter speaks. Music is also on every podcast to reinforce the feel of a radio podcast. At the beginning of each episode, a short piece of dialogue is heard for introduction purposes.

Meaning: These sound elements affect the way the listener feels, wether they're tense or relaxed, excited or bored. The mixture of the sound effects also change the mood of the audience. Dialogue serves to inform the viewer with what is happening and what the characters are experiencing.